Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Technology thank you

As I have to leave for a week, I realize how much I am thankful to have technology as a central part of my classroom in order to allow both myself and students continue the lessons and communication. I already have my students use technology to keep up with assignments but now I have a way to make sure that students are keeping up with the content even if I am not there. I have reserved the laptop lab for the week and will be using videos from other teachers (Thank you AP Psych discussion board). My 9th graders will be working on a project but at least now have a way to send emails or chat with me if they have questions. They can also log onto Unitedstreaming (Discovery) to view videos that will pertain to information they will be learning the week I return.

Both classes will be using the testing site that I use. (see previous blog post).

Again, just saying that I am appreciative of technology and the range of uses that we have now in order to get students to continue their learning without the dead time that usually takes place when a teacher is out. Although as I have read in a another blog, getting the students even more engaged than what they are is hard to do.

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